Wednesday 15 December 2010

Final Product.

So here we go, after developing our original idea, re-shooting more footage, and advancing to another editing programe, we have finaly reached our final product. Watch and enjoy.

I am very please with how the final product came out. I am especialy pleased with the overall feel of the video, and how the story now relates to the lyrics and follows the conventions of a music video. Here are some of my favourite parts of the video.
I like them due to the composition, tones use of a shallow depth of field or the camera movement.

Friday 10 December 2010

2nd Day of filming.

Today went really well! We were lucky with the weather, as it matched our first shoot day perfectly, so during the editing, we would not have to do much post production to match the tones. We managed to collate enough footage to fill the one minute slot which we needed to fill. So now we just need to put it all together and smooth it all out and we will have our final product.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Re- casting

After storyboarding, we decided we needed to bring the "boyfriend" in to represent the break up. We decided my media partner Tom would step in to fill this role. I think they worked really well as an onscreen couple and played the role perfectly. They looked like an authentic couple, and due to their close friendship, were able to work really well together.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Storyboard for 2nd shoot day.

So after deciding to film another lot of footage, we needed to decide what to shoot and how.

We decided that to give a story to the video, we should add in what happened before hand, in the lead up to her being in the woods. We decided the best way to do this is to film a break up, as that would bring in the link with the song, as some of the key lyrics in the song are;

" I gave you all I got, you wouldn't have it" and " You go your way and i go mine"

if we bring this connection in visualy, then it would be a more successfull products as that is a major convention of a music video.

We then sketched down some ideas for possible shots, and the order we want them to be in. Here is our hand drawn story board;

Monday 6 December 2010

Audience Feedback.

We showed the second draft to a few clasmates and teachers to see what they thought. Here are some of the responses we got.

" I don't understand? Who is she and why is she in a wood?"
" Where did the guitar come from?"
" Is she upset, or thinking?"
" Where is the link between the lyrics and the clips?"
" There are too many nature clips, they all need cutting down"

After receieveing this positive feedback, we decided it was neccersary to go out and film some more footage.  As we needed more narrative structure and interweaving storylines  to involve the audience more. So we organised another filming day and got to work planning our shots.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Second Draft

We moved our project over to Adobe premiere Pro, as this let us create a more professional product. This second edit also turned out better than the one we created on iMovie purely because we had more possibilities with the editing.

I feel this edit is better than the previous one also due to the composition, i believe we have stiched the clips together in a better order. But i'm still not 100% happy with it. I feel there is something missing. So i've decided to get some audience feedback, to see what the target audience think of the product.