Friday 8 October 2010

The Lost Mystical Analysis.

Here is the analysation of " The Lost Mystical". I like this video purely because of the Stop motions and contrasting lighting effects used. I wish to incorprate a stop motion into my final music video as i believe it would suit a fast paced part of the song really well. I chose to look into this video as I am really a fan of “Mutiny Bikes” media productions as they have previously created some other very professionally edited DVD’s. This video is a small video which uses outtakes of the Final Product, “ Lets get Mystical”.
Below i have broken down the titles into screen shots and commented on some of the techniques used.

It starts with a Master shot Stop motion of Cars driving down the main street of a city. I like the use of the low level lighting as it exaggerates the lights in the buildings and in the cars. it then cuts to a ELS of the water’s edge at dusk. The low sun lighting gives it a peaceful feel to it and sets the mood for the rest of the video. It then cuts to a CU of a Birds corpse and the use of selective focus really frames it in the centre of the screen. The use of low lux natural light gives this shot an eary feel to it which contrasts from the previous shot. It then cuts to another stop motion of a LA shot of a church tower clock. The low lighting really emphasises the clock. Then their is a montage of stop motions as the music picks up.

Throughout the edit, the only use cuts, as it suits the music and makes the overall product flow better. All the shots are a fixed shot apart from one small pan. The use of fixed long shots really sets the MES for the rest of the video, so the audience is aware of the surroundings of the video.

All the sound is Non Diegetic, which works really well as the soundtrack really stands out and works in harmony with the footage.

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