Friday 8 October 2010

Audience Research

I decided it was nessercary to look into my audience. I created a mood board of all the possible interests of my demographic.

Here is a possible Audience Profile for who i am aiming my product at;

Age Range: 16-30
Music Taste: Rock, Acoustic, Alternative.
Interests: Live Music, Festivals, Ipod, Fashion, Social Networking, Going out with friends.

My audience would be someone who lives music and can appreciate it in its simplest form. They like slow paced music and appreciate the Art behind music. They will also really be into how the video looks and can appreciate the artistic nature of the video.

To confirm my Audience Profile, I played the song to 10 people who fit into my target audience, and asked them to comment on what kind of video they can imagine fitting to the song. Here are my results.

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